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Introduction to Ceramic Formulation for Bus Brake Pads Bus brake pads are a critical safety component, and the ceramic formulation has revolutionized their performance. This ceramic – based approach offers enhanced braking efficiency, durability, and heat management, making it an ideal choice for buses that operate under demanding conditions. brake pads mixture The brake pads…

产品名称NAME:Ferroferric Oxide Black (氧化铁黑) 颗粒度GRANULARITY(筛网分析 SIEVE ANALYSIS,颗粒大小PARTICLE SIZE) 目数Mesh: 200-400# D80 (μm) ≤75μm(200#) 外观 APPEARANCE 形状Shape: Powder 颜色Color: Dark Black 主要技术参数MAIN SPECIFICATION 比重Specific Gravity(g/cm3) 4.4-5.0 容积密度Bulk Density(g/cm3) 1-1.5 四氧化三铁含量Fe3O4 Content(% w.t.) ≥95 含水量Moisture Rate(% w.t.) ≤0.5% PH 5-8 熔点Melting Point(℃) 1597 莫氏硬度 Hardness(Mohs) 4 化学成分 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 组成Composition Fe Si P S C Mn. Moisture Others…

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产品名称NAME:Wollastonite(硅灰棉) 产品编号PRODUCT CODE:BL-WNG-60 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Wollastonite is a widely used friction material reinforced fiber, which is gradually replace asbestos as a main reinforced fiber during the friction material production, such as brake linings, brake pads, and other brake system friction material. 颗粒度GRANULARITY(筛网分析 SIEVE ANALYSIS,颗粒大小PARTICLE SIZE) 长度Average Length of Fiber (lf): 410μm 直径Average Diameter of Fiber (df): 21.6μm 长径比Length…


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Application of Brass Fiber in Brake Linings Production Brass fiber has found a significant place in the production of brake linings, influencing the composition of brake linings mixes and the overall brake linings mixture. This material offers a unique set of properties that come with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Brass Fiber in…