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产品名称NAME:Calcined Alumina(煅烧氧化铝) 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Alumina is an inorganic friction raw material filler, and it can greatly increase friction coefficient due to its high mohs scale of hardness. It is widely used as friction raw material filler in friction industry, since it is one of the most efficient friction performance modifier for friction increasing. Usually, its…

Application of Brass Fiber in Brake Linings Production Brass fiber has found a significant place in the production of brake linings, influencing the composition of brake linings mixes and the overall brake linings mixture. This material offers a unique set of properties that come with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Brass Fiber in…

FORMULA NAME:LOW METALLIC (BL-ACV-Z8) FORMULATION PERFORMANCE BL-ACV-Z8 is a cost-effective formula for buses, with stable performance and moderate wear resistance, which can meet the needs of most models and markets. Characteristics: 60-100 thousand KM lifetime. Applicable Car Models: Applicable to the low-end market, buses, long-distance coaches, light trucks PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Constant Speed Coefficient: 0.4 AK MASTER…

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产品名称NAME:Vermiculite(蛭石) 颗粒度GRANULARITY(筛网分析 SIEVE ANALYSIS,颗粒大小PARTICLE SIZE) 目数Mesh: 20-40#; 40-60# 外观 APPEARANCE 形状Shape: Particles 颜色Color: Golden 主要技术参数MAIN SPECIFICATION 比重Specific Gravity(g/cm3) 2.4-2.7 容积密度 Bulk Density(g/cm3) 0.1-0.2 含水量 Moisture Rate(%) ≤0.5% 莫氏硬度 Hardness(Mohs) 1-1.5 砂石含量Gravel(%) ≤3% 化学成分 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 组成Composition SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO H2O Others 比例Rate(%w.t.) 37-43 13-17 20-24 15-23 0.5-1 0.2-1 ≤3 包装和储运 PACKAGE AND STORAGE…

产品名称NAME:Calcium Sulfate Whisker(硫酸钙晶须) 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Calcium sulfate whisker is a white cotton-like material with perfect structure, regular morphology, and stable dimension. It is a novel microfiber with the length to diameter ratio of 40~300. It is the latest generation of reinforcing material for high performance composite with lower toxicity. It can be widely used to fabricate light quality and high…