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Application of Acrylic Fiber in Brake Linings Brake linings are a crucial element in a vehicle’s braking system, directly influencing braking performance and safety. The integration of acrylic fiber into brake linings has emerged as a significant advancement, offering numerous advantages within the context of brake linings mixes and the overall brake linings mixture….

产品名称NAME:Cellulose Fiber(纤维素纤维) 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Cellulose fiber is a chemical material extracted from natural wood materials. Owing to water absorption characteristic and three-dimensional structure, the water inside can be transferred to the surfaces or interfaces of friction products quickly, which makes the bond strength and surface strength significantly increased. Its wood fiber dimensional stability and thermal…

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Passenger car brake pads play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficient operation of vehicles. Among the various types of brake pads, low – metallic brake pads have gained significant popularity due to their unique characteristics and performance. 1. brake pads mixesLow – metallic brake pads are composed of a carefully selected combination…

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产品名称NAME:Big Flake Graphite(鳞片石墨) 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Flake graphite is probably the most familiar of the natural graphite materials. Most people are familiar with the finely powdered graphite used as a lubricant, or the “lead” in pencils. Both of these products typically contain flake graphite. As the name implies flake graphite has a distinctly flaky or platy…

产品名称NAME:Cellulose Fiber(纤维素纤维) 产品描述PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION: Cellulose fiber is a chemical material extracted from natural wood materials. Owing to water absorption characteristic and three-dimensional structure, the water inside can be transferred to the surfaces or interfaces of friction products quickly, which makes the bond strength and surface strength significantly increased. Its wood fiber dimensional stability and thermal…